Pour les épicuriens...
le vignoble de Condrieu
et de la Côte Rotie
aux portes de Lyon cité de la gastronomie...
Pour les sportifs, ...petits et grands...
Pour nos amis les motards ...
Nous serons ravis de faire partager nos expériences ...
Voici un aperçu des balades possibles ...
La "Ferraz" is set in a peaceful surrounding only a short drive to Vienne (20 kms) a famous Roman city, with its museums and known world wide for its Jazz Festival held in July.
The aera is also well known for its top quality red and white vines : Condrieu, Côtes Rôties, St Joseph and many more.
Driving a bit farther south will take you to Tain l'Hermitage a very interesting little town. There, you will stop at Valrhona whose chocolats where are connaisseurs favorites and sold all over the world.
You will also notice the beautiful vineyard on the hills surrounding the town and way want to visit one of the caves and go for a wine-tasting experience.
But as we say in France : " A consommer avec modération".